Welcome to the Otofon India, your trusted partner in comprehensive hearing healthcare. We are pleased to introduce the Auditory Steady-State Response (ASSR) Test, a cutting-edge diagnostic tool that plays a crucial role in assessing and addressing hearing concerns.

What is the ASSR Test?

The Auditory Steady-State Response (ASSR) Test is an advanced diagnostic procedure designed to evaluate the hearing function, particularly in individuals who may not respond well to traditional hearing tests. This test measures the brain’s electrical responses to auditory stimuli, providing valuable insights into the frequency-specific hearing thresholds.

How Does the ASSR Test Work?

During the ASSR Test, specialized equipment delivers modulated tones or clicks to the ears, while electrodes placed on the scalp record the brain’s electrical responses. This allows our experienced audiologists to assess the hearing thresholds at different frequencies, contributing to a more detailed understanding of your hearing profile.

Why choose us?

Precision in Hearing Assessment

Precision in Hearing Assessment

The ASSR Test allows for a more precise measurement of hearing thresholds, especially in cases where traditional testing methods may be challenging. This precision ensures a comprehensive understanding of your unique hearing needs.

Tailored Treatment Plans

Tailored Treatment Plans

Armed with the detailed information from the ASSR Test, our expert team can create customized treatment plans. Whether it's recommending advanced hearing aids or exploring cochlear implant options, our goal is to provide solutions that address your specific hearing challenges.

Enhanced Patient Experience

Enhanced Patient Experience

At Otofon India, we prioritize your comfort and convenience. The ASSR Test is performed in a relaxed setting by our skilled audiologists, ensuring a positive and stress-free experience for our patients.

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Other Services

Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are small electronic devices that amplify sound, improving hearing for individuals with hearing loss.

Cochlear implants

Cochlear implants are devices that bypass damaged inner ears, directly stimulating the auditory nerve to restore hearing.

Speech Therapy

Speech therapy enhances communication by treating speech and language disorders through targeted exercises and techniques.
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